Dear creatives - yes, that means you!
We all bring our own stories, fears, secrets, memories, hurts and hopes to our relationships with our creativity and our creative life. Sometimes, these can hold us back from living our dreams.
Sometimes, we begin to spread our creative wings… but then we encounter a situation that triggers something difficult in our past; or someone says something to us that pushes our buttons. Next thing, our confidence is taking a giant nose dive.
Who are we to think of ourselves as writers, makers, artists, creative types?*
*delete as applicable
Why did we ever think we could do this?
Sometimes, we don’t quite know what is getting in our way. We can’t quite put our finger on why we keep doing the same old things: avoiding, procrastinating, not making space for our creative life.
We usually need to become more consciously aware of what we’re holding onto or what we need to let go of, in order to be able to step into our creativity and realise our true potential.
And so I’ve made a gentle guide for you, to help you in exploring the way that creativity is working - or not - in your life right now.
Just enter your details below and I’ll email you the download right away:
Your Creativity Inventory: A guide to help you to explore your creativity in relation to your self and your life.
It’s a simple set of questions for reflection, free writing, journaling or conversation with someone you trust.
I hope you find it helpful.
In solidarity with your creative self,
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